a part of Grant's army of the West, now known as the Army of the Tennessee. The battles and marches of this famous army are the record of the regiment. Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Bolivar, Matamora, Mississippi Central Expedition, Thompson's Hills, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, Siege of Vicksburg, Meridian Raid, Big Shanty, Kenesaw, Nickajack, and Atlanta 22d and 28th, at the Siege of Atlanta, Jonesboro, and Lovejoy – the pursuit of Hood in North Georgia and Alabama – Sherman's march to the sea and through the Carolinas, participating in the battles of Savannah, Pocotaligo, Orangeburg, Bennettsville, &c. The regiment re-enlisted as veteran volunteers at Vicksburg, Miss., on the 1st day of January, 1864; it has lost in action since coming into the field nearly four hundred men; its present aggregate is five hundred. Soon after the battle of Shiloh Col. Whittlesey resigned, and was succeeded by Colonel M. F. Force (now Brevet Major-General). Since General Force's promotion the regiment has not had a Colonel – not having the "minimum" required to secure and muster in that grade. It has since been commanded successively by Lieutenant-Colonel J. N. McElroy, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Fry, Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Wilson. The latter of whom has commanded on the march through Georgia and the Carolinas. The following is at present the field and staff of the regiment: Harry Wilson, Lieutenant-Colonel; P. Weatherby, Major; H. P. Trickee, Surgeon; J. W. Gutherie, Assistant Surgeon; H. O. Dwight, Adjutant; J. W. Skillen, Quartermaster. Nine medals of honor have been granted as follows in the regiment: Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Wilson, Captain L. N. Ayers, Captain Charles Stevenson, Captain Ed. E. Nutt, Sergeant William Blackburn, Sergeant John Rinehart, Sergeant David Robbins, Private John Alexander, and Private M. Elliott.
The Ninth Illinois Infantry was organized and mustered into the United States service at Springfield, Illinois, on the 25th day of April, 1861, under command of Colonel (late Brigadier-General) E. A. Paine. At the expiration of three months, the regiment was recruited for the term of three years, retaining its number and original field officers; and was stationed during this time at Cairo, Illinois. September 1st Colonel Paine was promoted to Brigadier, and the command devolved on Colonel Augustus Mersey. September 4th and 5th moved up the river and took peaceable possession of the city of Paducah, Kentucky. February 5th, 1862, started with the expedition against Fort Henry in the second division, Army of Tennessee, commanded by Brigadier-General C. F. Smith. After the fall of Henry marched with the command across to Fort Donelson, taking part in the attack on that stronghold, and in the engagement of the 15th, losing 33 men killed, 165 wounded, and 6 missing. After the surrender of Donelson moved up the river to Clarksville and Nashville, from thence down the Cumberland and up the Tennessee, arriving at Pittsburg Landing on the 18th of March; took part in the battle of Shiloh on the 6th and 7th of April, 1862; losing on that field in officers and men, killed, 74, wounded, 280, missing, 10. In the month of May, following, took part in the siege of Corinth, having 18 men wounded in skirmishes. After the evacuation of that place, was stationed there and at different times at Danville and Rienzi, Mississippi, until the 3d of October, when the regiment took part in the defense of Corinth against Price and Van Dorn, losing in all 20 killed and 82 wounded. Was stationed at Corinth during the winter of '62 and '63. March 4th, 1863, the regiment being much reduced in numbers was ordered to be mounted, and was assigned to duty with the celebrated
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