Colonel Cornyn, of the Tenth Missouri Cavalry, making several dashes with him into Northern Alabama and Mississippi. On the 3d of June, 1863, moved camp to Pocahontas, Tennessee, making innumerable scouts and marches, and taking part in the raid on Grenada, Mississippi, in which 54 locomotives, 500 cars, and a large amount of Ordinance, Quartermaster's and Commissary stores were destroyed; being engaged during this time in sixteen skirmishes of greater or less importance, losing in the aggregate ten men killed and forty-two wounded. October 30th, left Pocahontas, Tenn., on the 13th of November, arriving and being stationed on outpost duty at Athens, Alabama. March 11th, 1864, moved across Tennessee river to Decatur. In picket-skirmishing here lost two men killed and ten wounded. September 3d, 1863, 128th Illinois Volunteers was consolidated with 9th Illinois. May 1st, 1864, left Decatur, Ala., to escort Sixteenth Army Corps wagon train to Chattanooga. Arrived at Snake Creek Gap, Ga., in time to take the advance of the Army of the Tennessee, and open the fight, skirmishing all day, where Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips, who had commanded the regiment ever since it had been mounted, was wounded. Lost sixteen men killed, wounded and prisoners that day. Was with the Sixteenth Army Corps through the campaign ending at Lovejoy Station. Was transferred with the Second Division Sixteenth Army Corps to the Fifteenth Army Corps, and stationed for some time at Rome, Ga., where, in scouting and outpost duty, the regiment lost ten men. On leaving Atlanta, in Sherman's campaign to the sea, the regiment was transferred to the Seventeenth Army Corps, but was assigned to duty with the Twentieth Army Corps, and held the advance of that Corps from Atlanta to Savannah. Was engaged in several sharp skirmishes, losing on the campaign two officers and twenty-three men. On the campaign through the Carolinas held the advance of the Seventeenth Corps, taking part in all the battles and skirmishes in which the Corps was engaged in that long and eventful campaign, losing one of its best officers and several men, and being especially complimented in General Orders from Headquarters Department and Army of Tennessee, for the part taken in the action at River's Bridge, South Carolina. The regiment was reorganized and consolidated on the 28th day of July, 1864, near Atlanta, Georgia, by reason of the non-veterans, about 350 men, and all the officers but three, being mustered out – the command devolving upon Captain S. T. Hughes. The regiment was, in obedience to orders from Major-General McPherson, commanding the Department and Army of the Tennessee, reorganized as a six company battallion, known and numbered as the Ninth Illinois Mounted Infantry Volunteers. While at Alexandria, Virginia, a veteran detachment of the Twenty-Seventh Illinois Infantry was consolidated with it, forming the seventh company. On leaving Washington to come West, for want of adequate means of transportation for their horses, the battallion was dismounted and assigned to the Second Brigade, Third Division, of Seventeenth Army Corps for duty. The aggregate strength of the battallion, present and absent now, is 578 men. The field and staff officers are: S. T. Hughes, Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding; William Padon, Major; D. L. Bigge, Surgeon; L. L. Troy, Adjutant; Samuel Cove, Quartermaster.
This regiment was organized at Napoleon, Ohio, November 21st, 1861, from whence it moved to Camp Chase, Ohio, January 13th, 1862, and moved from thence, February 12th, 1862, by way of Cincinnati and Louisville to Paducah, Ky., where it joined the fleet, then about to move up the Cumberland river against Fort Donelson. The regiment disembarked below the Fort and joined
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