This company was raised in Morgan county, by T. M. Stevenson, W. W. McCarty and C. M. Roberts, and was organized December 25th, 1861. T. M. Stevenson was chosen Captain, W. W. McCarty, First Lieutenant, and C. M. Roberts, Second Lieutenant.
On Christmas day the Company went to Camp Gilbert, with ninety-four as strong, brave and reliable men as ever left the county. The great majority were the best men of the county. Sons of religious parents, men of good families, school teachers, mechanics, farmers, merchants, clerks, were gathered together to go forth from their rich and comfortable homes, to defend those homes by putting down treason and rebellion.
Captain Stevenson had for a number of years been Superintendent of the Public Schools of McConnelsville, and had the summer previous been licensed a minister of the gospel. Lieutenant McCarty had long been a resident of McConnelsville, and had filled many of the principal offices of the county, which made him well acquainted in his county, and gave him an influence that caused many worthy men to rally for the defense of the flag and liberty.
Lieutenant Roberts had been long engaged in merchandizing, which gave him a facility and tact in business, and being a young man of good character, influenced many young men to imitate his example in laying down all that was dear upon his country's altar.
No company in the regiment has done more efficient service, none suffered more upon the field of battle, or from hardships and exposure. After the battle before Atlanta on the 22d of July, 1864, where the company and regiment did such brilliant service, so as to save the day, with a very heavy loss of killed and wounded, was detailed for duty at Headquarters, Seventeenth Army Corps, where it remained till mustered out of service.
At Memphis, Captain T. M. Stevenson resigned his commission, and was appointed Chaplain of the regiment, Vice Chaplain Todd resigned. Lieutenant McCarty was appointed Captain, C. M. Roberts, First Lieutenant, and Sergeant A. W. Stewart, Second Lieutenant. Lieutenant Roberts was detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, in which position he remained through the Vicksburg campaign, and afterwards on General Curtis' staff in Missouri and Kansas, until January, 1865, when he was appointed Captain and relieved from duty in the Signal Corps, returned to the regiment, and was assigned to the command of Company "F."
Lieutenant A. W. Stewart was detailed as Aide-de-Camp to General Leggett, June 5th, 1864, which position he filled with ability and efficiency till the end of the war.
Captain W. W. McCarty was taken prisoner July 22d, 1864, while in close combat defending the colors and flag of the regiment. Lieutenant Rhinehart of Company "G," was assigned to the command of the company and remained its commander till the end of the war. Sergeant Alexander V. P. Hager of Company "F," was promoted to Second Lieutenant, and assigned to Company "E," but was detailed to take charge of the Guards of the Third Division Train.
The following named men have been commissioned and assigned to other companies: Sergeant A. A. Adair, to Captain; Sergeant Martin Durant, to Second Lieutenant; Sergeant John Kennedy, to Second Lieutenant; Sergeant A. W. McCarty, to First Lieutenant; Sergeant James Earich, to Second Lieutenant. The latter refused to be mustered, preferring to carry the colors which he had borne in so many battles. He loved that too dearly to give up bearing it for a Lieutenancy. He was awarded a "Medal of Honor," for distinguished bravery in the battle of the 22d of July, 1864.
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