This company was raised in Columbiana County by Andrew Scott, Chaplain Todd, John B. Mills, and S. A. DeWolf, and organized January 11th, 1862. Andrew Scott was appointed Captain, John B. Mills First Lieutenant, and S. A. DeWolf Second Lieutenant.
The company was made up of as fine a class of men as ever entered the service – the best that ever left the county. The religious element was strong in the company; the men were of the wealthy families of the county, well educated, and representing every branch of trade and business. The company suffered much from disease, and in battle; its very best young men have fallen. Especially has it been true of this company, the fact observed by so many, and noticeable in every company in the regiment, "that the arrow of death is mysteriously select in the choice of its victims:" choosing most generally the best men. Those whom we regret most to spare, and give up most unwillingly; men the most exemplary and upright, the most useful and best loved in the company, and at home.
Some of the men in Company "I" have filled important positions in the regiment, and at Division, Corps and Department headquarters. Very little of the rowdy element was found in this company. Their officers were men of Christian integrity. Captain Scott was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and by his influence called many such to go with him. The Captain was a good, jolly, social man, which made him popular, and his company pleasant. No man except Captain Wilson exercised a more watchful care over his men. When divine services were held in the regiment, the Captain was always present, and the majority of his men were with him. The Captain was a little wrong in his political theory, but all right in his practice. Old prejudices and education gave him a leaning toward Vallandingham and the disloyal party of the North, but diminished nothing of his hatred for secession, and weakened none of his efforts to put it down, and destroy the last armed rebel against the Government. He did not like the Administration, but that mattered not as long as he was willing to defend it with the sword, and co-operate with it in the suppression of rebellion; and as form is nothing, but execution everything, we can forgive the Captain's mistaken theories on politics, since his action and conduct opposed those theories, and prevented him not from going forth and nobly sustaining his country's flag.
Lieutenant Mills, of whom mention has been made in connection with Company "C," was a young man of decided influence and most excellent character, and did much by way of influencing many young men to enlist in their country's service. He was generally popular with his men, and throughout the regiment. A man of strong sympathies and tender feelings, and no one did more to alleviate the sufferings of destitute poor women and children through the army's entire line of march. He would frequently, after the regiment would encamp in the evening, mount a horse and search out the poor of the vicinity, and do something for them. He was always active and busy at something, especially in getting possession of fine horses. He was quite successful in maintaining that there was no horse in the army like his, but privately thinking every other horse better than his. In the absence of the Chaplain he would assume part of his duties, and supply the regiment with all the reading matter and stationery the Christian Commission could furnish him. In this way he was an ardent friend and supporter of the Christian Commission, and the representatives of the Commission believe him to be more than an ordinary working Christian. He seldom become angry, but when he did his Christian temper would become somewhat ruffled.
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