. Was raised in Muskingum, Monroe, Belmont and Noble Counties, by John W. Cornyn, of Zanesville, and organized January 11th, 1862. John W. Cornyn was appointed Captain, John T. Hamilton First Lieutenant, and James Carothers Second Lieutenant. The company was made up of strong, robust men. This company had more foreigners in it than any other company in the regiment; owing to the fact, perhaps, that the Captain was a Catholic, many of his persuasion enlisted with him to assist in crushing rebellion, and punish treason in the country of their adopted homes.
The company did good and faithful service, and suffered severely during the war, taking a part in all the campaigns and battles of the regiment.
The Captain was a hard worker, a man full of energy and life, and has had much experience in the management of men, especially foreigners, as he was a long time a rail road contractor.
He was a very agreeable, social, pleasant companion, somewhat impulsive in character, he was quick to act, and readily discerned the minds of men.
He served with his company till February, 1863, when he was appointed Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, and assigned to General Ewing's staff.
Lieutenant John W. Hamilton, on account of ill health resigned his commission, August 20th, 1862.
He was a quiet unassuming man and against his moral character we know nothing.
Lieutenant James Carothers was taken prisoner a few days after the battle of Raymond, Mississippi. He and Captain Wallar were taken suddenly sick during the progress of the Raymond battle. Wallar did not return to the regiment until Vicksburg was invested, which was some ten days, and his company having been in three fights during that time. Carothers being at a citizen's house, was carried off by the guerrillas and taken to Libby Prison, where he remained for about fifteen months.
Lieutenant Hugh Dunne was promoted to Captain, and assigned to Company "K," March 12th, 1864.
He brought the company home, with the regiment, on veteran furlough and after returning to the field it did much efficient service in the Atlanta campaign. Captain Dunne resigned shortly after the fall of Atlanta, owing to the fact that his time had almost expired, and the press of business at home. James Brennan of "C" Company was promoted to Second Lieutenant June 9th, 1863, and assigned to "K" Company. In April 1864, he was dishonorably mustered out of service on account of intemperance.
Lieutenant George W. Porter was promoted to Captain, and assigned to "K" Company, December 15th, 1864, but being an officer of marked ability, he still remained on General Leggett's staff as Aid-de-Camp.
H. W. McCarty, Sergeant of "E" Company, was promoted to Second Lieutenant, and assigned to "K" Company.
John Kennedy, Sergeant-Major of the regiment, was promoted to Second Lieutenant, and assigned to this company also. No other changes were made in the officers till the muster out of the regiment.
Under these young officers the company was orderly and efficient in drill.
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