Ohio, and Lieutenant Munson, of the Seventy-Eighth Ohio, who together commanded the mounted infantry, and without whose efforts we must have lost the day. Lieutenant Hills, Twentieth Ohio, displayed great energy and bravery in snatching our dead and wounded from the very hands of the enemy. Captain Kaga and Lieutenant Melick, of the Twentieth Ohio, for the adroit management of their companies and their indomitable courage. Captain Chandler, of the Seventy-Eighth Ohio, whose coolness and bravery in maneuvering the four companies under his command were observable by all who saw him. Captain G. F. Wiles, Lieutenant W. W. McCarty, and Second Lieutenants Roberts and Seales, all of the Seventy-Eighth Ohio, are deserving of the highest praise for their personal valor, and for their skill in extricating their companies when entirely surrounded by the enemy. Major S. D. Peterbaugh and Captain Otto Funke, of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, were in the fight nearly all of the time, and exhibited great courage and gallantry. The Second Illinois Cavalry were on the field so short a time, I can only particularize their commander, the lamented Lieutenant-Colonel Hogg. A braver, truer man, never lifted his arm in defense of his country. He was brave to a fault, and fell while leading one of the most gallant cavalry charges of the present war.
It is proper that I should make special mention of Adjutant E. N. Owen, Twentieth Ohio, and Adjutant H. S. Abbott, of the Seventy-Eighth Ohio, who acted as my Aids-de-Camp during the day, and regardless of personal danger, frequently went through showers of bullets in executing their orders.
I may also say that the mounted infantry, or "mule cavalry," proved an entire success. They prevented the enemy from flanking us at least twice during the battle. They move with the celerity of cavalry, yet fight as infantry.
Our loss was five killed, eighteen wounded, and sixty-four missing. The enemy's loss was far greater, but as they were seen to pick up and carry to the rear their killed and wounded as fast as they fell, their loss is not known to us. It is reported over two hundred.
I enclose the reports of officers commanding regiments and detachments in the battle.
I am, Colonel, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Colonel Seventy-Eighth O. V. I., commanding 1st Brigade.
Previous to this time General Armstrong, with a cavalry force, had taken possession of the railroad between Bolivar and Jackson, and tore up much of the track, which cut us off from communication with the North. Robert Hanson, our mail carrier and postmaster, traveled on foot to Jackson, a distance of thirty miles, with the mail and messages to headquarters. He was compelled to travel through swamps, and conceal himself in corn fields, to escape and to avoid the enemy. He traveled the whole distance in the night, and returned with orders and mail the next day. The enemy was driven away severely punished, and the railroad was in a few days repaired.
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