Whenever we are put on boats a guard is always placed so as to keep the men on, but as the boat was lying close to the shore the boys would jump off despite all the guards could do. In cases of that kind guards are not overly attentive, and do not care whether the boys get off or not.
On the evening of the 16th, and while we were lying at the landing awaiting orders, the levee was cut and the water of the raging Mississippi was turned into Lake Providence. When it was known it was the intention to do so, a lot of the boys volunteered, and it was but a short time before the water made its appearance on the other side, all being anxious to see it done before we left. Two trenches were dug about thirty feet apart, leaving the water to wash out the space between. And against morning all was clear, and the water gushing through at a furious rate, putting one in mind of the dams in the Muskingum in time of high water. By this time, I expect some of the old secesh back in the country are wondering what's up, and are beginning to skedaddle.
We had remained on the boat all that day, and until about ten o'clock the next, when orders came for us to go into camp above Providence, keeping all the Division together. The Gladiator having the least on, and being already fired up, General Logan went aboard and had her cruise along up the shore until a suitable camping ground could be found, the other boats following shortly after. All was unloaded, our new camp cleaned off, and the tents up before dark. We are now about five miles above Providence, in a corn field, and but a short distance from the river, affording us a good view of all the boats passing up and down.
Rumors are prevalent that our Division will go to reinforce Rosecrans, should it prove true that the rebels are reinforcing Johnston from Vicksburg. And we are all anxious that it may be so, for we are getting tired of this country; it is a little too hot for comfort, and then the gallinippers! Oh! dear, they are enough to torment any one to death. They are beginning to let us know they are about, by buzzing around and occasionally taking a fellow a dip along side the lug, and of course always leaving their mark. They are a different and much larger species than you have in the North.
The Yazoo Pass was undoubtedly the place we were destined for, and there has certainly something of importance turned up which prevented our going, but I do not believe we will remain here long. I think we will either go back to Tennessee, or go down in front of Vicksburg. I hope it will be the former, for then we will stand a chance of coming in contact with Ohio regiments in which there are companies from old Morgan.
In this camp we are not at a loss for water, as we can dig down only three feet and get a supply of good, clear water, right at home. Rails are also plenty, making first rate fire wood.
March 29, 1863.
MR. EDITOR: — On the 22d inst. our Brigade (which is called the "Flying Brigade" by General Logan) received marching orders to go aboard the boats immediately, having
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