The following are the casualties at the battle of Champion Hills, May 16, 1863:
Lewis Voght, private, Company A; Sergeant Abner Roach, I; Sergeant – Stitte, C; private Jno. F. McIntosh, I; private James Taylor, F; private William McBurney, H; private Enoch Gray, K.
Private David Wilson, Company A, head, severely; private Philander S. Castor, A, shoulder, severely; private Samuel Jackson, A, head, slight; Lieutenant Jas. Caldwell, A, abdomen, severely, since died; Adjutant H. Abbott, A, head, severely; private Randolph C. Austin, B, chest and left shoulder; Sergeant Harrison C. Varner, B, shoulder; private Silas Eaton, B, fore arm fractured, resection; private George W. Lay, B, chest and back, severely; Sergeant Andrew McDaniels, thigh, flesh wound; private –, C, fracture of both bones of the leg, amputated; private Jas. D. Austin, D, neck, severely; private William Weller, E, conical ball through the elbow joint, exsection of the joint; private J. C. Russell, E, thigh, flesh wound; James Russell, E, abdomen, severely; Jacob Beisaker, E, shot through the knee joint, amputation lower third of thigh; Joseph Vankirk, F, fore arm, severely, exsection of elbow; private Robert A. David, Company G, thigh, flesh wound; private Joseph Rhinehart, hip, severely; private George Kimball, Company H, leg, flesh wound; James Huelson, Company H, hip and abdomen, since died; private Francis Scott, H, face, buck-shot; Sergeant Daniel Raney, H, leg, flesh wound; private George W. Steele, I, arm, spent ball; private Aaron Floyd, K, back, flesh wound; private Samuel Giesy, K, hand; private George Luinbatus, K, hand fractured; private John Greenbank, K, hand, slight; private Hiram Reed, K, thigh and arm; private John Weir, A, face, (lower jaw); Corporal Andrew McPherson, E, neck; Lieutenant Israel Robinson, D, hip, contusion; private Lewis Rowley, G.
We left Milliken's Bend without much transportation, without a change of clothing, tents or cooking utensils, save perhaps a coffee-pot and frying-pan, and have slept upon the ground with the bright stars twinkling above us; and during the whole trip it has rained but twice to cause any discomfort.
May 23. — Yesterday the First Brigade of our Division charged the enemy's earthworks, but were obliged to fall back. For some time they stood in the face of a heavy fire, and the Brigade was badly cut up. Two hundred and nineteen men were brought in and placed in the wards of the Division Hospital, many of them badly wounded. The number killed has not been reported.
Our Army Corps is in fine spirits at our prospect of a sure and speedy reduction of this rebel stronghold, and the opening of the Mississippi.
The health of the regiment is good, and during the present month there has been but little complaint of ill health. Captain McCarty is commanding Company E, and is deservedly regarded with favor, for he is a good officer. Lieutenant Stewart is now in command of Company K, and should receive a Captaincy, as he fully merits it.
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