had been present when different fortresses surrendered to the Federal arms in Mexico; in these the enemy were granted terms and conditions, and he thought his army as well entitled to favor as a foreign foe.
General Grant proposed a private conversation, and both stepped aside. What passed between them can be known by its results. After a little more than one hour the terms were arranged, and the rebels surrendered. About thirty-two thousand rebels were paroled.
At 10 A. M., July 4, General Leggett had the honor of entering the city with his command, and placing the flag upon the Court House. Soon the city was full of soldiers from both armies, associating and chatting freely and with much good nature with each other. No unfriendly or malignant feeling was manifested on the part of any.
The business portion of the city was plundered by the rebel soldiers, which, to the shame of rebel officers, was blamed upon the Federal army, and made capital of to incite the people of the South to hatred of the Yankees.
The total loss of the Federal army in the series of battles is as follows:
Port Gibson, 130 killed, 118 wounded; Fourteen Mile Creek, 4 killed, 24 wounded; Raymond, 69 killed, 341 wounded; Jackson, 40 killed, 290 wounded; Champion Hills, 421 killed, 1842 wounded, 189 missing; Black River, 29 killed, 242 wounded, 2 missing; Vicksburg, 545 killed, 3688 wounded, 303 missing.
The Seventy-Eighth Ohio had only one killed at Vicksburg, Lyons, of Company A, who was a young man of excellent character, and an efficient and faithful soldier.
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