the Federal army. The women manifested no fear, nor malignant feelings, but treated the soldiers very courteously, and visited the camps the next morning. The Division remained but one night, and then took up its march again to Vicksburg, having accomplished nothing, but thinned somewhat the serpents of the bayous and swamps.
All the sick able to travel are furloughed home, and Colonel Wiles with many of the officers received leave of absence. On September 13 a beautiful flag from the ladies of Zanesville was presented the regiment by General Leggett. I regret much that I cannot obtain a copy of his address to the regiment. Captain A. L. Wallar, then in command of the regiment, responded in its behalf in a brief and very appropriate speech.
On November 15th the Seventeenth Corps start on a reconnoisance toward Canton and Jackson, Miss., to disperse rebel encampments, and troops collecting there. The Seventy-Eighth had a lively skirmish with the enemy, but met with no casualties. The enemy in some force, with artillery, were positioned on a ridge. The regiment immediately made a vigorous charge up the hill. The enemy fled after firing a few rounds, which passed over our men doing no damage.
The next day, finding no enemy at Canton, after destroying much railroad stock, it took up its march for Vicksburg.
November 13th, two days before the above expedition, General Logan reviewed the Third Division, and bid farewell to it in an earnest and deeply affecting speech. He had been appointed to the command of the Fifteenth Army Corps.
General Leggett is appointed to take command of the Division. All were deeply affected in parting with General Logan, but were much gratified in the appointment of General Leggett as his successor; and ably did he sustain the high character of the Division, and fill the highest anticipations. Under him it never lost a flag by capture, nor was driven by the enemy.
After the above expedition the regiment gave much attention to military tactics and exercise in their various movements and combinations. It was soon whispered by military men that the Seventy-Eighth excelled all others, as far as their observation extended, in camp and field discipline. Other regiments, therefore, commenced giving their attention to the same exercises in their camps, and were unwilling to concede so much to the Seventy-Eighth regiment. In order to settle the matter in question, General Leggett offered to present a large and beautiful flag to the best drilled regiment in the Third Division, which should be decided by a bench of competent judges.
The 23d of January, 1864, was appointed to contest for the flag. The day was mild and pleasant, and the Division was assembled in review on a large plateau south of the city. After each regiment had drilled a few minutes, the Seventy-Eighth Ohio and One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Illinois were chosen to contest for the flag. The ring was formed, which an immense crowd of spectators soon surrounded. The Seventy-Eighth Ohio first entered the ring and drilled the specified time, cheered with the greatest enthusiasm by the immense throng. The One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Illinois entered
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