fought with the most desperate bravery in personal combat in preventing the capture of the flag. Captain Joseph Orr lived in single blessedness till advanced in his forties, having obtained a comfortable living, and more than a competency to maintain a family. He finally, after much exhortation from the Chaplain and his Colonel, repented of the sin of living an old bachelor, corrected and reformed his life by marrying a wife.
Lieutenant Springer, of Company "C," was promoted to Captain, and assigned to Company "H," but still remained on General Leggett's staff, in charge of the Division Ambulance Train. This position he had filled with great efficiency and acceptance.
John P. Ross, Sergeant-Major of the regiment, was promoted to First Lieutenant, and assigne
d to Company "H," and had command of the company till the muster-out of the regiment. He was one of those "few and far between" very best of young men; of high Christian integrity, of good attainments, efficiency and close attention to his business, that made him an officer of much success, acceptance and ability
. Sergeant Robert H. Brown was promoted to Second Lieutenant. He was also a good young man, and an efficient officer, and worthy of every trust and honor given him.
The following is the list of the non-commissioned officers and enlisted men of the original organization:
1. William A. Dodds 2. Josiah Scott |
3. David Rainey 4. William Calihan |
5. Robert Brown |
1. David McMillen 2. John A. Johnson 3. Samuel Nelson |
4. Gabriel H. Feister 5. David T. Caldwell 6. Leander Scott |
7. Levi Johnson 8. Hezekiah Hyatt |
Alexander, John Bichard, P. S. Barnett, Jacob Burns, Joshua Black, James H. Beam, Daniel Britton, Robert Berry, James Cochran, Thomas Casey, Samuel Clipner, David Clipner, John Camp, William T. Camp, John W. Cook, John B. Craig, John Cockrel, George Dunifer, John Dawson, James Dillahey, John Donalson, Joshua Gill, Joseph Gill, Elijah |
George, Price C. Johnson, Nathaniel Hudson, James Hunter, John Hutchison, Nicholas Haynes, John Hartshorn, Thomas Hendrick, Rufus Kimble, William Kimble, Robert King, Benjamin Kenedy, Benjamin Keown, Robert Kimble, George Kimble, George W. Linton, Samuel Lake, William McBurney, Charles McDonald, Finley Mitchell, George P. McBurney, William Miller, Lewis Mitchel, David |
Murphy, Lafayette F. Miller, James M. Milligan, Alexander F. McBurney, James Paden, Dallas Powell, John W. Shriver, Adam G. Stevenson, George W. Scott, Robert Sigman, Isaac Stevenson, Alexander Schuyheart, Isaac Thompson, Abram Thompson, Archibald L. Turner, James Turner, James A. Tucker, Joseph Voorhers, Joshua Voorhers, Lewis Williams, William P. Wilson, Robert White, Reese White, Elisha |
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