was regarded as a rebel sympathiser or tender footed, and desirous of prolonging the war. The Seventy-Eighth, I am proud to say, inflicted less vandalism through the part of the country it marched than others, but it was evident that men were not displeased, but give manifestations of delight when they gazed upon the burning plantations. The exclamations would pass along the ranks, "that's right," "good for them," let them know that the Yankees are coming. The Corinth forces upon our left, laid the country waste over which they marched. The Memphis forces on the right, were no less severe. Such punishment may be justly deserved, but I cannot help feelings of regret and disapproval. It is an unnecessary waste and destruction of property, and had I the power I would command forbear. It is demoralizing to the soldier.
The health of the regiment is good, all are ready and anxious for the march. The soldiers are earnest and willing to undergo any toil, trial, and danger that will give success to our arms and victory over rebellion. The regiment marched as far as Lagrange, where the army halted, for some days. The season was pleasant and the situation comfortable and cheerful; much time here was spent in both regimental and brigade drill.
The following correspondence to the Morgan Herald, by Captain A. A. Adair, we give as further history of the regiment at this place:
We left our camp on Monday morning, November 3d, and were formed in line, on the road leading to Grand Junction, where we were necessitated to remain two or three hours before we got into motion; but the advance was finally made, and we are off for the interior of Dixie, with blanket and haversack, hoping to get a chance to meet or come up with Price and his swift running cohorts and army, that would rather run than fight.
This being the third time the Seventy-Eighth had entered upon its march to the Junction, we thought surely it would be the charm. The roads were terribly dusty, but that made no difference, and we pulled up and encamped for the first night, about two miles south of Van Buren, where we had abundance of good chestnut rails for fires, making the best of that night. After breakfast was over, we soon put out again on our march. The First Tennessee Cavalry (Union) in the advance; and of course they are acquainted in these parts, and know well who are secesh, and who are not, but as nearly all are the former, you may easily imagine how property had to suffer. The fences along the roads were all in flames, which were sometimes difficult to pass. At one place an old rebel had his wenches out tearing down the rails, making an effort to extinguish the flames. All his bucks I presume had run away, and left the glory of servitude. On the next plantation not only the fencing, but a fine dwelling, costing twenty thousand dollars, was wrapped in flames, the rebel women having only time to get out that indispensable article in southern chivalry, the piano. I suppose our cavalry wanted them to console themselves "Hard Times," or something after the same sort. The old man had ran off in search of his rights, leaving the women and children to the vandals. The voice of approval was heard to pass along our lines, that is right, destroy everything they have got, and then their war will end,
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