The Seventy-Eighth Regiment was always in demand, and did a large share of the work of the expedition. No regiment in the service is better drilled, more patient or enduring; no other regiment stands higher in the estimation of the Army Corps and Division officers. Patriotic, faithful, brave and true as steel, it has made an enviable record. From first to last, Company E has maintained a higher rank, as a prompt and faithful company, second to none in the regiment. Morgan county may well be proud of it. During the entire march to Meridian and back, with all its side marches and foraging expeditions, making in the aggregate over four hundred miles of travel, the Seventy-Eighth had fewer men in ambulances, or riding upon mules, horses, or the wagons, than any other regiment in both Army Corps. We hope to be able to start for Ohio soon, (about the 26th,) but may not get off so soon, as it is difficult to procure transportation for the many veteran troops that are to go home on furlough. I would like to write more, but time forbids, and my letter has already become lengthy.
Yours truly,
Surgeon Seventy-Eighth Regiment O. V. I.
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