The following named soldiers of Company "H" have died of wounds, and disease contracted in the service:
Lieutenant Josiah Scott Lieutenant John F. Grimes Lieutenant Henry Speer John Alexander, killed at Atlanta James Aloves, killed on railroad James B. Allen Daniel Beam Daniel Caldwell, died at Savannah, Tenn. John W. Camp William T. Camp James Culbertson George Cochran Joshua Donelson Gabriel Fields |
James Hudson, died of wounds received at Champion Hills John Hunter John Haynes Nathan Johnson William Kimble, killed at Atlanta, July 22d, 1864 Robert Keown John Milliken William Lake, died of wounds, Marietta, Ga. David McMillen, died of wounds, Champion Hills William McBride, killed at Champion Hills Dallas Paden |
Alex. F. Miliken George P. Mitchell, deserted Jeremiah McBride Leander Scott, died at Bolivar, Tenn. Adam G. Shriver, killed at Atlanta, July 22d, 1864 Alexander Stevenson, died at Shiloh, Tenn. Sames Sleeth James Schuyhart James Turner, killed at Atlanta, Ga. Shedrack Turner Joshua Voorhes Lewis Voorhes |
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